Sign Up for Texts from Trusty Insurance Group

By signing this form, you consent to receive text messages from Trusty Holdings, LLC dba: Southard & Trusty Insurance Group or others acting on the Agency’s behalf. As part of this consent, you represent and warrant the following:

  1. The Agency or others acting on the Agency’s behalf may send text messages in various formats and with various contents, including but not limited to, text messages about insurance policies and other transactions initiated by You or marketing the products and services offered by or through the Agency.
  2. You are the owner or authorized user of the mobile phone number identified below. You will notify us immediately if you are no longer the owner or authorized user of the mobile phone number identified below.
  3. You are solely responsible for any message and data charges associated with such text messages.
  4. We have made our Text Messaging Terms and Conditions available to you here. By completing this opt-in form, you agree to the Terms and Conditions.
  5. If you submit this opt-in form, you will receive an initial text message to the mobile phone number below asking you to confirm your consent with a yes or no response.

If you do not wish to receive text messages from us or others acting on our behalf, or do not agree to the Terms and Conditions, you should not submit this form.

Text Opt-In

Trusty Insurance is an independent insurance agency serving Wilmington, Germantown, and the surrounding Ohio areas with 35+ years of experience.

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